
  1. 1. First appearance of light before sunrise
  2. 5. Time in the evening when the sun disappears
  3. 6. Top of a mountain
  4. 7. Synonym of ground
  5. 8. Break up or move earth with a tool
  6. 9. Synonym of shadow
  7. 10. Walk or move in a leisurely way
  8. 12. Go somewhere
  9. 14. Movement of the water
  10. 15. Natural underground chamber
  1. 2. Synonym of forest
  2. 3. The main stem of a tree
  3. 4. Escape from all
  4. 6. Take something
  5. 9. Time in the morning when the sun appears
  6. 10. Another movement of the water
  7. 11. Part of the tree which grows out from the trunk
  8. 13. Store at a very low temperature