- 2. A visible mass of water droplets or ice crystals in the atmosphere.
- 4. A tall and woody plant with branches, leaves, and roots.
- 7. A colorful and fragrant plant part that blooms and attracts pollinators.
- 8. Living creatures that are not plants and have the ability to move.
- 10. The movement of air in the atmosphere, often felt as a breeze.
- 12. A sandy or pebbly area along the shore of a body of water.
- 13. A bright and warm celestial body that provides light and heat to Earth.
- 14. A dense and extensive area with a variety of trees and plants.
- 1. An insect with colorful wings that undergoes a transformation from a caterpillar.
- 3. A large body of water surrounded by land.
- 5. Water that falls from clouds in the form of droplets.
- 6. A natural satellite that orbits around the Earth and shines at night.
- 9. A large landform that rises steeply above the surrounding area.
- 11. A flowing body of water that often starts from mountains and ends in a sea.
- 13. A luminous celestial body that appears as a point of light in the night sky.