
  1. 1. A break during the school day for students to relax, play, and enjoy time with their friends.
  2. 3. Activities in addition to regular classes, such as clubs or sports, that help develop interests and skills.
  3. 4. A room containing a collection of books and other materials for learning, reading, and research.
  4. 6. A planned course of study that covers a specific topic or subject.
  5. 9. A place where students go to learn, study, and complete class activities.
  6. 11. The leader in charge of managing all aspects of a school, ensuring its smooth operation.
  7. 12. The various areas of study taught in a school, such as mathematics, science, language, and art.
  8. 13. Work assigned by a teacher to be completed outside of class, typically involving practice or study.
  9. 14. A test taken by students to measure their understanding of subjects and overall progress.
  1. 2. group A gathering of students who work together to review and discuss schoolwork, helping each other learn.
  2. 4. The meal eaten during the school day, providing students with energy and nutrition.
  3. 5. A person who leads and guides students in their learning journey, providing knowledge and support.
  4. 7. An individual who attends an educational institution to gain knowledge and develop skills.
  5. 8. A set of printed pages bound together, containing stories or information for learning.
  6. 10. The room where students attend lessons, participate in group activities, and complete assignments.