
  1. 2. Perfect Valentines gift
  2. 4. The best ever
  3. 5. Cutoff part of a picture
  4. 6. Creator of IOS
  5. 8. Watch online
  6. 12. “___ in a bottle”
  7. 13. To give orders angrily
  8. 16. Scared, derogatorily
  9. 17. Nickname for significant other
  10. 18. Small Stone
  11. 20. Separate location of a company
  1. 1. Mario’s favorite food
  2. 3. Section of land
  3. 4. Having skill in plant care
  4. 7. In a difficult situation
  5. 8. Another name for dirt
  6. 9. Popular online store
  7. 10. Old app, similar to TikTok
  8. 11. Abbreviation for a group of studies
  9. 14. Alternate name for jewelry
  10. 15. Negative Stockmarket outlook
  11. 19. Having lots of pubic hair