
  1. 2. Deep large open filled with water
  2. 8. The process by which plants make their own food using sunlight
  3. 9. This natural phenomenon produces a spectacular display of colors in the sky
  4. 10. the outside layer of tree
  5. 12. a changing process for living creatures to adapt with their surroundings
  6. 15. A large body of water flowing in a particular direction.
  7. 16. Flower that often associated with death
  8. 17. A tall wooden plant often found on forest
  9. 18. The light that always accompany you in the night
  1. 1. A time where the moon shines accompanied by stars.
  2. 3. one of the protected forest in banyuwangi
  3. 4. The moon friends whos also accompany you in night
  4. 5. The season characterized by falling leaves and cooler temperatures
  5. 6. The natural home for animals or plant
  6. 7. A natural structure formed by the flow of water over a cliff.
  7. 10. Likes flowers
  8. 11. The process of water vapor turning into liquid water.
  9. 13. The study of Living Organism and their intercations with each other and the environment
  10. 14. A mamal who's name often associated with someone that spends a large amount of money on a gacha game
  11. 15. Fallen from the clouds in a dropplet like shape, has a thousands of friends that can make you wet