
  1. 2. A place which has a lot of water.
  2. 5. A small animal which has whiskers, claws and soft fur.
  3. 6. A person who explores the nature.
  4. 7. A person who swims in the deep sea.
  5. 10. A living being which grows from the floor.
  6. 11. An animal who flies.
  7. 14. An animal who haunts other animals.
  8. 16. A person who plants flowers, plants and trees.
  1. 1. A bar of ice which appears in caves when it is very cold.
  2. 3. An animal which is known as "The man's best friend".
  3. 4. A person who sells flowers.
  4. 8. A plant which has petals.
  5. 9. A person who fishes fishes.
  6. 12. A person who hunts animals.
  7. 13. A mountain which expels lava.
  8. 14. An asian bear which fur is black and white.
  9. 15. A very big place which is arid and too warm.