
  1. 1. cloudy
  2. 4. snow falls down
  3. 5. frozen rain
  4. 8. uncontrolled fire
  5. 10. rotating storm system
  6. 11. mild rain
  7. 12. seismic waves
  8. 13. shortages in the water
  9. 15. Loud noise
  10. 18. Flow rapidly
  11. 19. process of freezing
  1. 2. High sea wave
  2. 3. a collapse of rock
  3. 6. electrostatic charge
  4. 7. mild wind
  5. 9. Melt snow raining
  6. 14. future event
  7. 16. quality of being humi
  8. 17. Light fall of rain
  9. 19. Overflow of water