Nature-nurture debate

  1. 4. The term that refers to a change in our genetic activity without a change in our genetic code.
  2. 6. The side of the debate that considers all behaviour as innate.
  3. 9. The approach that considers the extent to which both nature and nurture impact on behaviour.
  4. 11. This approach sits firmly on the nature side of the debate.
  5. 12. The .............-stress model suggests behaviour is predetermined but a trigger is needed.
  1. 1. Researchers that believe firmly in nurture.
  2. 2. The idea that people choose their own nurture as relevant to their nature.
  3. 3. This approach sits firmly on the nurture side of the debate.
  4. 5. The side of the debate that considers all behaviour is the result of environmental influences.
  5. 7. The term for the genetic transmission of mental and physical characteristics from one generation to another.
  6. 8. Researchers that believe firmly in nature.
  7. 10. This is approach is interactionist, acknowledging innate processing abilities that are refined by experience.