Nature of Diabetes

  1. 2. energy that comes from food
  2. 5. a blood glucose check requiring a person not to eat for 8-12 hours, usually overnight
  3. 6. take your shoes and socks off and have your doctor examine these at each visit
  4. 7. gum disease
  5. 9. hormone that counters the effects of insulin
  6. 10. hormone created by pancratic beta cells
  7. 12. damage to these organs may lead dialysis
  8. 14. type of diabetes due to lack of insulin
  9. 15. regular physical activity to develop and maintain physical fitness
  10. 16. one of the simplest forms of sugar
  11. 19. type of juice commonly usrd to treat low blood
  12. 20. type of diabetes diagnosed during pregnancy
  13. 21. opacification of the lens of the eyes
  14. 22. people with diabetes often count these at meal times
  15. 23. pancreatic cells that produce insulin
  16. 26. Latin word meaning sweet
  17. 27. low blood glucose level
  18. 29. stress hormones that can cause blood glucose elevation
  19. 30. Greek word meaning to siphon or pass through
  1. 1. specialist who treats patients with diabetes
  2. 3. darkened skin patches
  3. 4. damage to these structures in the body may result to amputation
  4. 8. from the Greek word meaning thirsty
  5. 11. diabetes complication involving the eye which mau cause visual impairment and blindness
  6. 13. diabetes complication which manifests as numbness or tingling sensation of the hands an feet
  7. 17. organ behind the stomach that produces important hormones like insulin and glucagon
  8. 18. used to test capillary blood glucose
  9. 24. excessive passing of urine
  10. 25. test for average blood glucose for the past 2-3 months
  11. 28. most common type of diabetes