Nature of Science

  1. 3. Represents data in a picture
  2. 4. An experiment in which only one variable is tested at a time
  3. 6. Data in the form of numbers
  4. 7. Variable that you want to change on purpose
  5. 9. Evidence; Information about your dependent variable
  6. 10. An effect or outcome of an experiment
  7. 11. What you want to investigate
  8. 12. Prediction about your experimental results
  1. 1. Does not receive the experimental treatment; used for comparison
  2. 2. Data collected with your senses; Characteristics
  3. 4. Things that stay the same
  4. 5. A paragraph that sums up the whole experiment
  5. 8. Step by step instructions for performing an experiment
  6. 9. Variable that you measure or observe