Nature vs Nurture Crossword

  1. 1. Chromosomes molecules contain these.
  2. 3. An undesirable mutation.
  3. 6. The effects of parenting are an example of this.
  4. 11. Rats housed in this environment showed brain weight increases.
  5. 13. An important part of most people's early environment.
  6. 14. Twins that are no more genetically similar than any other two siblings.
  7. 16. Twins that develop from a fertilized egg that splits in two.
  8. 17. Growing up in a household with smokers or nonsmokers is an example of a(n) __________ factor.
  9. 18. An example of this is one identical twin being more likely to divorce if the other does as well.
  10. 19. The source of all genetic diversity.
  1. 2. The influence of this consists of the genes passed along by your parents.
  2. 4. Shared attitude of our beliefs, norms and behaviours of a group communicated from one generation to the next.
  3. 5. __________ babies grow more rapidly when they receive special handling.
  4. 7. Understood rules for expected and acceptable behaviour within a group.
  5. 8. Separated identical twins have been found to have similar heart rates, brain waves and ________ levels.
  6. 9. Rejection from a _______ group is a leading cause of school dropouts.
  7. 10. Adopted children share the more similar personality traits with their __________ parents.
  8. 12. Molecules that your chromosomes are composed of.
  9. 15. Adoption studies and twin studies are conducted by behaviour __________.