- 4. a delicious hearty stew that contains rice and meat
- 7. small percussion instrument
- 8. a person who is singing or playing an instrument in the parranda
- 10. eggnog-like drink from Puerto Rico
- 11. Yo ____ a cantar para mi familia. (I AM GOING to sing for my family)
- 12. ¿Como se dice "Christmas" en español?
- 13. ¿Como se dice "friends" en español?
- 14. sound sticks made of wood
- 15. Vamos a las ________ de mis amigos durante (during) la parranda.
- 1. tambourine
- 2. Christmas songs in Puerto Rico
- 3. Puerto Rican guitar
- 5. where parrandas are common during the Christmas season
- 6. fried plantain fritters
- 8. Puerto Rican version of Christmas caroling
- 9. ¿Como se dice "family" en español?
- 15. ¿Como se dice "song" en español?