NBA Crossword

  1. 3. who has won the 2022 MVP
  2. 5. how old is ja Morant
  3. 7. how many teams has LeBron played for
  4. 9. how old is curry
  5. 10. who did Davis play for before Lakers
  6. 13. what is Kobe's nickname
  7. 15. what shoes what banned from NBA
  8. 16. how old is the NBA
  1. 1. what is the second most popular
  2. 2. who did Shaq ask to 1v1
  3. 4. who is the smallest
  4. 6. how many threes has Shaq got
  5. 7. how old is Lamelo Ball
  6. 8. who has more 40 point games then KD Kobe and Curry?
  7. 11. how tall is bogues
  8. 12. how old is LeBron
  9. 14. who is the best Australian NBA player