  1. 1. when your angry
  2. 5. when you win a game
  3. 8. when you dont care
  4. 9. tantrum
  5. 11. what you do everyday
  6. 14. body touching
  7. 15. when your tired
  8. 16. you need your legs to do this
  9. 17. you need your hands to do this
  1. 2. after a joke
  2. 3. before a laugh
  3. 4. Slapping hands
  4. 6. something you do when your happy
  5. 7. athletes do it before or after games or matches
  6. 10. you need your fists to do this
  7. 12. a faster pace than walking
  8. 13. when you accuse
  9. 15. hopscotch
  10. 17. what you do when you walk out of a room angry