  1. 3. in NCTdream NCTU and NCT127
  2. 4. youngestmember
  3. 6. is in 127 and is korean
  4. 10. WayV and Chinese
  5. 13. born on august 13
  6. 16. Japanese and featured in MAW
  7. 18. born in Chicago
  8. 19. Main Visual of 127
  9. 21. oldest member
  1. 1. Quit NCT to be an actor
  2. 2. loves watermelon
  3. 4. is in NCT Dream and is korean
  4. 5. Leader of WayV
  5. 6. Is in 'make a wish' and 127
  6. 7. is in NCT dream and is chinese
  7. 8. has a brother who is famous
  8. 9. has 3 letters in their name
  9. 11. known as 'Henpunzel'
  10. 12. In wayV and has 5 letters in name
  11. 14. born on august 8
  12. 15. New member and is in NCT U
  13. 17. Chinese and secong youngest
  14. 20. Japanese