NDT 130 Weeks 1&2

  1. 4. LBCC's RSO
  2. 6. The characteristic of various materials to emit ionizing radiation.
  3. 7. The International Systems of Units
  4. 9. is a unit of measurement to the exposure of ionizing radiation, specifically Gamma radiation and X-rays, named after the German physicist.
  5. 10. As low as reasonably achievable
  6. 14. caused some agony to de'feet.
  7. 15. - Si unit for measuring radioactivity
  1. 1. basic building block of matter
  2. 2. type of ionizing radiation
  3. 3. energy in transit
  4. 4. unit for amount of radioactivity of an isotope
  5. 5. type of ionizing radiation
  6. 8. The removal of electrons from an atom
  7. 11. Radiation Safety Officer
  8. 12. a positvely or negatively charged atom or molecule
  9. 13. French physicist that shared the 1903 Nobel Prize for his discovery of “spontaneous radioactivity”