Nebuchadnezzar's dream

  1. 3. stone turns into this
  2. 4. the thighs
  3. 6. final kingdom lasts.....
  4. 8. King Neb wrongly does this to Daniel
  5. 9. Jesus Christ is described as this
  6. 12. iron legs
  7. 13. stone does this to the kingdoms
  8. 14. the legs
  9. 16. statue represents
  10. 17. God is a revealer of....
  11. 18. the chest
  1. 1. What King Neb saw
  2. 2. The statue describes the times of the....
  3. 3. silver chest
  4. 5. the head
  5. 7. toes mean Rome......
  6. 10. iron/clay mix
  7. 11. gold head
  8. 15. bronze thighs