Negative Numbers

  1. 5. Sum of a negative and a positive number: Use the sign of the larger number and subtract
  2. 8. Negative numbers were considered to be _______ by many knowledgeable mathematicians
  3. 10. What century was negative numbers first accepted in?
  4. 11. An Indian mathematician who wrote an influential book on mathematics and was brought over to Europe
  5. 12. Thought of the proportion -1:1= 1:-1
  6. 14. Used seven symbols (l,V,X,L,C,D,M) to represent numbers, did not have a way of showing negative numbers
  7. 17. A great British logician, wrote about negative numbers
  8. 19. Understood how to use negative numbers but struggled with the___.
  1. 1. Thought of negative square roots as imaginary numbers
  2. 2. Claimed negative numbers are greater than infinity
  3. 3. Used a m: to represent negative numbers in his work
  4. 4. Wrote the book Arithmetica
  5. 6. Used black bar or crossed numbers out to represent negative numbers
  6. 7. His studying helped negative numbers to became extremely important and the doubts about negative numbers to disappear
  7. 8. Expressed uncertainty about the nature of negative numbers
  8. 9. Do to his book the importance of negative numbers became known
  9. 13. Stated first rules for addition, subtraction, multiplication, dividing with negative
  10. 15. Aided in evolving the study of algebraic equation sinto the study of algebraic systems
  11. 16. Was comfortable with negative numbers, thought of negative numbers as debts
  12. 18. Completely ignored negative numbers in all of their mathematics