Nella Week 9 Spelling

  1. 3. A place of burial.
  2. 6. Another word for non existent or fictional
  3. 8. Today was my 1st _______!
  4. 11. Sweets and chocolates considered 'collectively'
  5. 12. I wonder how big my vocabulary is.
  1. 1. "Look at the beautiful _____" My friend gasped.
  2. 2. My car was ______ while in my garage while we were on holidays.
  3. 4. I moved into my ______ house.
  4. 5. Spoken or done without preparation.
  5. 7. A place you go to, to buy food.
  6. 9. You find this in a supermarket.
  7. 10. I started to watch a ______ on saving tutles.