- 1. Utah film festival attended by Nellie and Richard
- 4. Richard's Hogwarts house
- 6. The best Star Wars movie (only according to Richard)(2 words)
- 8. Vehicle make that wouldn't get you through Nebraska
- 10. Tree street where Nellie was actually on the lease
- 11. Something typically said on this holiday for pranksters, which is also the day Richard proposed
- 12. First dance song title (2 words)
- 13. The best Lord of the Rings movie/book
- 16. Nellie's favorite dessert
- 19. Nellie's Hogwarts house
- 20. Number of years to win a girl
- 21. Name of the dorm where the couple shared their first kiss
- 22. First movie Nellie and Richard watched in theaters together (3 words)
- 25. Nickname for the world's best cat
- 26. Tree street where Richard lived with seven roommates (and Nellie basically lived there too)
- 28. Best cat color
- 2. Best season
- 3. Frozen college staple enjoyed by Nellie and Richard on their first date (2 words)
- 4. Number of National Parks Nellie and Richard have visited together
- 5. The couple's favorite board game
- 7. College Nellie and Richard attended
- 9. City where Richard was born
- 14. Best animal
- 15. Funniest costumes worn by the bride and groom (2 words)
- 17. Town where Nellie was born (2 words)
- 18. Favorite pizza topping
- 20. Couples' favorite cooking show
- 23. Common street name that the couple have lived on or near since Salt Lake, and the location of Nellie's childhood dream profession
- 24. Both Nellie and Richard's favorite color
- 27. Richard's favorite food