
  1. 2. Brave or noble figure (4 letters)
  2. 3. Animal that hunts and kills for food (8 letters)
  3. 5. Relating to ancient Greece (5 letters)
  4. 6. Animals living in their natural habitats (8 letters)
  5. 10. Challenges or tasks to be completed (7 letters)
  6. 12. Location of the lion's lair (5 letters)
  7. 13. Group of lions (5 letters)
  8. 14. Power or force (7 letters)
  9. 16. Very old or from the distant past (7 letters)
  10. 17. King of the jungle (4 letters)
  11. 18. Overcome or conquer (6 letters)
  1. 1. Traditional story or myth (6 letters)
  2. 4. Hero who battled the lion (8 letters)
  3. 7. Intensely aggressive or strong (6 letters)
  4. 8. Long hair around the lion's neck (4 letters)
  5. 9. Wild or ferocious creature (5 letters)
  6. 11. Outer covering of an animal (4 letters)
  7. 15. Number of labours performed by Hercules (6 letters)