Neonatal Jaundice

  1. 3. number of sites available for binding is called___________
  2. 4. the second stage of bilirubin metabolism, take place in the circulation
  3. 7. present in first 24 hours or is prolonged >14 days
  4. 8. endoplasmic recticulum, site in liver where conjugation takes place
  5. 9. group incompatibility, most common cause of pathological jaundice
  6. 12. the final stage of bilirubin metabolism
  7. 15. responsible for the converting conjugated bilirubin into urobilinogen
  8. 18. shunting, reabsorption of cleaved conjugated bilirubin and urobilinogen back into the circulation
  9. 19. responsible for cleaving cojugated biirubin and urobilinogen in the small bowel
  10. 20. needed to carry unconjugated bilirubin safely through the circulation to the liver
  11. 22. released by mast cells when an infant is receiving phototherapy and can cause a rash
  12. 23. Y, main hepatocye carried
  1. 1. a cause for pathological jaundice at the conjugation stage
  2. 2. another name for bilirubin encephalopathy
  3. 3. the stage that makes unconjugated bilirubin water soluble
  4. 5. first stage of bilirubin metabolism which takes place in the rectiuloendothelial system
  5. 6. jaundice that is considered normal
  6. 10. associated with early or late/prolonged jaundice, common cause for admission from home
  7. 11. baby syndrome, seen in infants with conjugated hyperbilirubinaemia treated with photherapy
  8. 13. bilirubin, by-product of haem
  9. 14. and example of an enclosed haemorrhage that can result in pathological jaundice
  10. 16. a potential side effect of wearing phothearpy eye masks
  11. 17. tightness with which bilirubin is bound
  12. 21. disphosphateglucuronosyl transferase, enzyme responsible for conjugation