Neonatal Medications

  1. 2. Medication that is given to premature infants to prevent episodes of apnea and reduce the need for ventilation.
  2. 5. Opioid that may be given to treat post-surgical pain or as an analgesic.
  3. 6. Medication used to increase blood pressure, as well as cardiac output, urine output and perfusion.
  4. 9. Ointment that is applied to the eyes without the first 24 HOL to prevent the development of gonococcal conjunctivitis.
  5. 10. Given to improve gut health and prevent the development of necrotizing enterocolitis.
  6. 12. Multivitamin given to breast-fed babies to supplement vitamin D levels.
  7. 15. Medication administered to treat bradycardia during neonatal resuscitation.
  8. 19. A mineral given to premature and breast-fed babies to prevent the development of anemia.
  9. 20. Vitamin that is used to increase the absorption levels of calcium and phosphorus.
  1. 1. Medication given to treat SVT, immediately followed by a flush, when vagal maneuvers are unsuccessful.
  2. 3. Antibiotic given along with gentamicin to treat babies born to a GBS (+) mother.
  3. 4. An inhaled corticosteroid that is administered to prevent the development of chronic lung disease in infants who have prolonged tachypnea or RDS.
  4. 7. Intravenous medication given as a treatment for refractory hyperbilirubinemia.
  5. 8. A gel that is placed on the gums of infants with hypoglycemia.
  6. 11. A moisturizer applied to an infant’s skin for the treatment of diaper dermatitis.
  7. 13. Sedative that may be administered prior to intubation.
  8. 14. A type of diuretic that is given to treat edema due to CHF, cirrhosis or renal disease.
  9. 16. Injection given to treat severe Patent Ductus Arteriosus.
  10. 17. Antibiotic given along with ampicillin to treat babies born to a GBS (+) mother, as well as conjunctivitis.
  11. 18. A type of surfactant which is given via an Endotracheal Tube in cases of severe Respiratory Distress Syndrome.