Neo's Spelling

  1. 2. A weather condition of rain, winds, thunder or lightening.
  2. 5. Natural Disaster. Lack of water
  3. 8. From natural and not man-made
  4. 10. A sudden and serious situation that needs urgent attention.
  5. 11. Continued forced on something
  6. 12. Relating to a place with warm and rainy climate.
  7. 13. Natural disasters where the earth shakes.
  8. 14. Natural Disaster where an earthquake causes large waves to flood the land.
  9. 15. To stop something from happening
  10. 16. An event that causes harm and damage
  1. 1. The gases that surrounds the earth
  2. 3. A person who study's weather
  3. 4. Natural Disaster. The movement of the land down a slope
  4. 6. Natural disaster. A storm with very high winds in the Caribbean.
  5. 7. Natural Disaster. Excess water on usually dry land.
  6. 9. This describes the condition of the Earth's atmosphere.