Nephi's Courage

  1. 2. What did Laman and Lemuel want to be in Jerusalem to enjoy? 17:21
  2. 4. "I have __________ thee, I have chosen thee in the furnace of affliction 20:10
  3. 8. The Lord _______ those who will have him to be their God 17:40
  4. 9. Nephi went into the mount ____ to see great things 18:3
  5. 10. Some people in Nephi's, Moses', and our day do not receive the blessings because of "the ___________ of the way" 17:41
  6. 15. Nephi described the ball or compass that would guide them as being of this type of workmanship 16:10
  7. 16. Nephi's family sailed toward what land 18:22
  8. 17. What did Nephi make out of the skins of beasts 17:11
  9. 19. In order to build the ship, Nephi asked the Lord where he could find ______ 17:8-9
  10. 20. We shall "be brought out of __________ and out of darkness" 22:12
  1. 1. These people think the truth is heard to bear 16:1n (and chapter heading)
  2. 3. We can learn all things by the _______ 22:2
  3. 5. He that is righteous is __________ of God 17:35
  4. 6. Ishmael died and was buried in a place called ________ 16:34
  5. 7. Nephi's family lived here for 8 years after wandering through the wilderness 17:4-5
  6. 11. The Lord told Nephi to do this to his brothers 17:53
  7. 12. The savior has "_________ us in the palms of his hands" 21:16
  8. 13. Jesus offers us "peace like a ______" 20:18
  9. 14. Nephi prophesied of the restoration of the ______ in the latter days 15:19
  10. 18. Jesus "____________ it, because of his loving kindness and his long-suffering towards [us]" 19:9