Nerd Love

  1. 5. Adrenaline junkies drink
  2. 7. Tribes emblem
  3. 9. Alpha us time
  4. 10. Codeword for lovin
  5. 11. best type of love
  6. 12. Love making necessity
  7. 14. Only broken by the bladder
  8. 16. better watching than playing
  9. 19. Beware of sign on balcony
  10. 21. Mall n' gym smooching grounds
  11. 22. What we work all week for
  12. 23. Best time of all
  13. 24. After Chris goes wild​
  14. 26. The better Twin City
  15. 27. Chris's spirit animal
  16. 28. Where bad habits go up in smoke
  1. 1. One, two, three four I declare
  2. 2. Squirt's second and third job
  3. 3. Is there a theme
  4. 4. Southern Belle of the Ball
  5. 6. Secret weapon
  6. 8. Awesome Fam
  7. 13. Tie-dye girl
  8. 15. Minnesota fats and Michael play
  9. 17. Where eagles soar
  10. 18. Friend you call in a barfight
  11. 20. Carries the loveload
  12. 22. Search for gag gifts and puzzle answers
  13. 25. Your ____body
  14. 26. Only one that fits between our love