- 3. cranial nerve used for smell
- 6. cranial nerve that is motor
- 8. matter containing cell bodies
- 11. lobe processing vision
- 12. Organ of CNS
- 13. connective located around the nerve fascicle
- 14. space outside spinal cord meninges
- 16. large nerve forming off sacral plexus
- 18. mater consisting of dense connective tissue
- 19. contains the thalamus and hypothalamus
- 22. system containing long preganglionic neurons
- 23. collection of cell bodies in PNS
- 26. pair number of cervical nerves
- 27. regulates temperature, thirst and hunger
- 31. neuron with two appendages
- 32. ramus used for the limbs
- 33. flight or flee system
- 1. spaces that contain choroid plexuses
- 2. space containing cerebrospinal fluid
- 4. spinal cord enlargement in neck
- 5. fissure that separates both hemispheres
- 7. connective tissue within a nerve fascicle
- 9. lobe that initiates and controls skeletal muscle
- 10. large cranial nerve that goes to many visceral organs
- 13. nerve used for breathing
- 15. innervates cardiac and visceral muscle
- 17. part of the hindbrain
- 20. long conducting part of a neuron
- 21. lobe that interprets sensory information
- 22. contains respiratory centers
- 24. hemisphere that contains language centers
- 25. Cell that produces myelin in the PNS
- 28. nervous system that goes to skeletal muscle
- 29. root that contains sensory neurons
- 30. ascending pathway in spinal cord