Nervous System

  1. 2. cord
  2. 4. nerve diseases
  3. 5. lobe
  4. 6. Fear, and some language
  5. 7. all the signals and responses coming to and from the body
  6. 8. electrical impulses out to the body and back to the brain
  7. 10. bundle of nerves that are protected by vertebrae
  8. 12. system
  9. 13. Reading
  10. 14. lobe
  1. 1. and cardiac,respiratory and vasomotor centers
  2. 3. medical professional who studies the nervous system
  3. 6. affect muscle function, perception of touch, pain, speech or eye sight
  4. 9. that produce detailed pictures of the inside of the body
  5. 11. for sending signals throughout the body