Nervous System

  1. 2. a disorder that causes recurring seizures
  2. 3. giving value to or approving.
  3. 4. method of treating mental illness that involves talking about one's problems with mental health professionals.
  4. 5. a disorder in which a person has excessive anxiety about social situations also called social phobia
  5. 7. Illness disorder that disrupts a person's ability to function at a normal level in the family, home, or community
  6. 9. the loss of function of the lower body and legs
  7. 12. a type of mental illness that causes a person to have mood swings and changes in energy levels and the ability to function
  8. 13. a serious, progressive loss of mental abilities such as thinking, remembering, reasoning, and communicating
  9. 14. a condition in which the lens of the eye becomes cloudy, causing vision loss.
  10. 15. the use of legal or illegal substances in a way that is harmful to oneself or others
  11. 17. walking aimlessly around the facility or facility grounds.
  12. 18. the ability to think clearly and logically
  1. 1. an infection in the middle ear that causes pain, pressure, fever, and reduced ability to hear
  2. 4. a progressive, degenerative, and incurable disease that causes proteins to build up in and around nerve cells, which results in memory loss, cognitive impairment, and behavioral changes
  3. 6. a form of mental illness that may involve acute episodes; affects a person's ability to think
  4. 8. the physical and mental symptoms caused by ceasing to use a particular addictive substance
  5. 10. a progressive disease that causes a portion of the brain to degenerate causing rigid muscles, shuffling gait, pill rolling, mask like face, and tremors
  6. 11. a head injury that occurs from a banging movement of the brain against the skull.
  7. 16. mental or physical exhaustion due to a prolonged period of stress and frustration