DIP - Jingmin

  1. 2. Increase my digital _______________ (12)
  2. 7. Using technology to ___________ myself out of my current job (8)
  3. 8. Quote: “Innovation is the ability to see change as an ________________ – not a threat” Steve Jobs (11)
  4. 10. Quote: Innovation distinguishes between a __________ and a follower = Steve Jobs (6)
  5. 13. Create competitive gaps through data, _____________________ , automation and predictive analytics – 2019 Nestle annual report (23)
  6. 14. Understand what digital innovation means to ___________ (6)
  7. 15. Have ___ and make new friends (3)
  8. 16. Being ___________________ by using technology to personalize products and engagement to customers (16)
  9. 18. Using existing technology in _________ ways (5)
  1. 1. Applying technology in ____________ ways to create positive impact to business, environment and society (8)
  2. 3. __________ or be left behind (7)
  3. 4. Digital transformation doesn’t happen overnight – this takes time and __________ (11)
  4. 5. Experience technologies such as ____________________ , virtual reality, natural language processing (16)
  5. 6. Common buzzword in business, equivalent to “world peace” in Miss Universe contest (10)
  6. 9. Work with everyone as ________________ is not bound by business units and functions (14)
  7. 11. Connect with Nestle brand and products and see how to ___________ using technology (9)
  8. 12. Quote: Longevity in this business is about be able to ___________ yourself or invent the future – Satya Nadella, CEO Microsoft (8)
  9. 17. Unsatisfied with the current situation and finding more _____________ ways to do things (9)