  1. 2. a text messages given to a web browser by a web server
  2. 4. controls the working of all the input and output devices.
  3. 8. A special kind of cord that enables you to connect a computer to another device.
  4. 10. Booting a computer system again usually due to a problem.
  5. 12. a group of two or more computer systems linked together
  6. 17. a word processor and text editing software developed by Microsoft
  7. 19. we access the world wide web using this.
  8. 20. were used as the main technology in third generation computers.
  9. 22. A set of facts or figures that can be displayed through computer,especially in columns.
  1. 1. A group of files or documents that are stored together by a title on your computer
  2. 3. A small picture on a computer screen that represents a program or function that can be opened.
  3. 5. it is a characteristic of a computer that refers to the degree of perfection of operations performed by a computer.
  4. 6. refers to the time taken by a computer in completeing the task.
  5. 7. a popular social networking platform which has changed his logo to X
  6. 9. The main circuit board of a computer that holds together many of the important components of a computer.
  7. 11. provide wireless internet access over short distances.
  8. 13. A screen that displays an image that is being generated by a computer.
  9. 14. a series of linked messages.
  10. 15. The first mechanical device invented for doing the calculations.
  11. 16. the first workable prototype of the internet originally funded by US department of defense.
  12. 18. an internet connection that requires the users to link their phone line with a computer, in order to access the internet.
  13. 21. unsolicited Emails