- 2. parietal, temporal, frontal and occipital are all a type of these
- 3. name of cell that myelinates PNS
- 5. cauliflower-like projection which sits underneath occipital lobe & plays important role in balance
- 8. glia that wrap tightly around CNS nerve fibres producing insulating myelin sheaths
- 11. mater meaning ‘tough mother’ being the outer most double layered membrane of the meninges
- 12. abbreviation for brain + spinal cord
- 13. star shaped cells that form a barrier controlling exchanges between capillaries and neurons
- 14. means ‘water on the brain’ and results from an obstruction of CSF drainage
- 15. 'nerve glue' - cells that support, insulate or protect neurons & never lose their ability to divide
- 18. abbreviation for parts of the nervous system outside the brain & spinal cord
- 19. elevated ridges of cerebral brain tissue
- 20. intracranial vessels on surface of brain that are surrounded by CSF & form an effective collateral network
- 21. small collection of cell bodies found in the PNS
- 22. part of Schwann cell external to myelin sheath which allows peripheral nerve fibre regeneration
- 23. shallow grooves in cerebral brain tissue
- 24. deeper groove separating large regions of the brain
- 25. bundles of nerve fibres going through the CNS
- 27. function of the corpus callosum in relation to the cerebral hemispheres
- 28. generate nerve impulses & transmit impulse away from neuron cell body
- 29. the ventricle containing the choroid plexus
- 1. the primary motor area allowing conscious movement of skeletal muscles is located in this lobe
- 4. nerve cells specialised to transmit nerve impulses
- 6. area of brainstem meaning ‘bridge’ which contains fiber tracts plus nuclei associated with controlling breathing
- 7. this ventricle is anterior to the cerebellum but posterior to the pons and medulla
- 9. all vessels in the brain have a highly specialised version of this to enable barrier properties to tightly regulate nutrient exchange, solutes & water between brain and blood
- 10. the nervous system that regulates automatic or involuntary activity e.g. cardiac muscle activity
- 11. aka interbrain - area of brain containing the thalamus, hypothalamus and epithalamus
- 12. abbreviation for the substance formed by the choroid plexus which forms a watery cushion to protect the brain
- 16. fissure which separates the cerebral hemispheres
- 17. glia that line central cavities of brain & spinal cord - their cilia help circulate CSF
- 19. shortened name for neuroglia
- 25. impulses from the auditory area are interpreted in this lobe
- 26. this space is filled with cerebrospinal fluid
- 30. abbreviation for special group of reticular formation neurons located in the brainstem, which if damaged can results in permanent loss of consciousness