- 2. Forms part of the limbic system and receives fibres from the olfactory tract
- 8. The following structures pass through this: vertebral and spinal arteries and the meningeal branches of the spinal nerves (2 words)
- 10. What is buried beneath the opercula?
- 11. This sinus is in the free margin of the falx cerebri, posteriorally it joins to the straight sinus (2 words)
- 14. Cerebrospinal fluid is reabsorbed into the blood stream through this structure (2 words)
- 16. This artery supplies the temporal pole and the superolateral surface minus 1 gyrus right around superolateral surface (2 words)
- 18. This structure receives impulses and conducts them in the direction of the cell body
- 19. The non-closure of the neural groove in the region of the head is known as
- 1. This gyrus ends anteriorly as the uncus
- 3. The greater wing of this structure forms the lateral part of the floor of the middle cranial fossa (2 words)
- 4. This structure mainly conists of nerve fibres with a covering layer of myelin (2 words)
- 5. Name the 9th cranial nerve
- 6. The nervous connection between a specific ...... and the spinal cord or the brain stem segment persists no matter where the parts of the ...... may migrate to.
- 7. Neurons are classified as unipolar, bipolar and ......
- 9. What do you call a collection of cell bodies?
- 12. The principle function of this area is its relation to memory and emotional aspects of behaviour.
- 13. This structure gives origin to the central nervous system when referring to embryology (2 words)
- 15. This sulcus is the deep notch between the frontal and temporal lobes
- 17. area The motor centre for speech is called ..... (2 words)
- 19. Sensory nerves are also referred to as ......