
  1. 8. Type of neuron with double processes; its body is in the peripheral nervous system(8)
  2. 9. This lobe contains Wernicke's area(8)
  3. 10. Thin area of skull coursed over by the middle meningeal artery(7)
  4. 12. This artery supplies the upper limb and facial area of the homunculus(6,8)
  5. 13. This form of matter is found on the peripheral aspect of the brain and contains a high quantity of neurons and support cells(4)
  6. 14. Compression of this nerve may occur due to uncal herniation of the temporal lobe(10)
  7. 16. Superficial group of intrinsic back muscles(7,6)
  8. 18. The dermatome segment of this structure is T10(9)
  9. 19. Describes the curvature of cervical and lumbar regions of the vertebral column(8)
  10. 20. The innermost layer of the scalp(11)
  1. 1. Spinal tract responsible for voluntary, fine and precise movement(13)
  2. 2. Gyrus which sits superior to the corpus callosum, involved in the limbic system(9)
  3. 3. Layer of meninges with sensory nerve supply mainly from CNV (4,5)
  4. 4. C7 and C8 spinal nerves are assessed in this deep tendon reflex(7)
  5. 5. The deep cerebral veins may drain into this sinus(8)
  6. 6. Sensory axons pass from the spinal nerve into the ____ root(9)
  7. 7. Damage to Broca's area may clinically present as this type of dysphasia(10)
  8. 11. The fibres of the dorsal column-medial lemniscus system decussate in this structure(7)
  9. 15. The secretory epithelium of the choroid plexus produces this, abbrev.(3)
  10. 17. Structure which connects the 3rd and 4th ventricles in the midline of the brain(8,8)