Neuroanatomy Terminology

  1. 3. visual processing
  2. 4. separates frontal & parietal lobes: pre-central (anterior) and post-central (posterior)
  3. 6. cell bodies, process information
  4. 8. outermost layer of the brain
  5. 9. somatosensory, attention
  6. 10. nerves extending out from brainstem and spinal cord
  7. 13. within ventricles inside brain and within meninges surrounding CNS
  8. 15. triple layer of tissues surrounding entire brain and spinal cord
  9. 16. primary motor strip ; motor map
  10. 17. Brain, brainstem & spinal cord
  1. 1. represent different cellular organization; are roughly associated with different functions (44,45= Broca’s area, 22: Werinkes area)
  2. 2. Primary sensory strip; somatosensory map
  3. 5. axons, carry signals to other neurons/structures
  4. 7. motor, basic language (left hemisphere), higher level cognition
  5. 11. (lateral sulcus) separates temporal lobe from frontal & parietal lobes
  6. 12. separated into 2, L and R
  7. 14. auditory, basic language (left hemisphere), prosody (right hemisphere), recognition of objects/faces, memory