New American Diplomacy

  1. 3. The man who led the attack on Columbus, New Mexico in March 1916
  2. 7. The Mexican reformer who led the Mexican Revolution
  3. 8. Policy where all countries should be able to trade with China.
  4. 12. The French company's agent who helped Panama make a deal with the United States.
  5. 13. Other than Panama, where else did the United States consider building the canal?
  6. 15. Under the Roosevelt __________ the United States would intervene in Latin America to maintain stability
  7. 17. President Taft's policy of supporting Latin America for everyone's benefit
  8. 19. Roosevelt said "Speak softly and carry a big _________"
  1. 1. Who the United States bought the rights for the Panama Canal from
  2. 2. William Jennings Bryan attacked Republicans for their support of...
  3. 4. Woodrow Wilson believed that the United States should always promote __________
  4. 5. In 1914, war erupted between China and Japan over...
  5. 6. The secret Chinese Societies that fought foreign control
  6. 9. The Mexican general who seized power of Mexico in February 1913
  7. 10. The last name of President Roosevelt's successor
  8. 11. The city where American sailors were arrested in April 1914
  9. 14. William McKinley's running mate in the 1900 election
  10. 15. The country that Panama was a province of
  11. 16. Where the Germans were delivering weapons to Mexico
  12. 18. Where Roosevelt settled a peace agreement between Japan and Russia
  13. 20. The anarchist who shot William McKinley