New Beginning

  1. 3. famous game
  2. 7. A town in Colorado
  3. 9. used to keep someone who might have been exposed to COVID-19
  4. 10. the day we come to Dana
  5. 12. what we used to jump on in our garden
  6. 13. Major holiday
  7. 15. people we like
  8. 19. moving to a new place
  9. 20. new way to communicate
  10. 23. Hebrew/Spanish/English
  11. 24. tasty and unhealthy (4,4)
  1. 1. COVID-19
  2. 2. new president (3,5)
  3. 4. USA
  4. 5. Transportation
  5. 6. a season
  6. 8. when we arrive to the USA
  7. 11. walking in nature
  8. 13. one of fifty states
  9. 14. my dog
  10. 16. Yoav’s favorite sport
  11. 17. the capital of CO
  12. 18. Inbar's age
  13. 21. great
  14. 22. Guy's hair color