New Deal

  1. 8. combated unemployment/created jobs
  2. 9. guaranteed bank deposits up to $2,500
  3. 10. chats radio broadcasts by FDR
  4. 12. method of boycotting work
  5. 14. strengthened the Federal Reserve
  6. 15. reduced surplus/raised prices for struggling farmers
  7. 17. published book on causes of recessions
  8. 19. assisted poor families/sharecroppers
  9. 20. controlled industrial production/prices of industry
  10. 23. eliminated unfair practices
  1. 1. first women to a cabinet post
  2. 2. role of government to work out conflicts
  3. 3. attempt to resolve conflict
  4. 4. created unemployment system
  5. 5. provided employment in construction
  6. 6. closing banks to avoid bank runs
  7. 7. to prove, or make clear, your beliefs
  8. 11. a monetary standard of gold in dollars
  9. 13. to improve or increase
  10. 16. government practice of spending
  11. 18. brought electricity to isolated agricultural areas
  12. 21. provides security against misfortune
  13. 22. regulated stock market to avoid dishonest practices