New From Here

  1. 3. What was the color of the house Knox and his family lived in?
  2. 7. The language Knox's mom uses to speak to the children when there's something really important to convey
  3. 11. Where does Auntie Jackie live?
  4. 12. Lea's teacher's name. Mrs. _____
  5. 13. Author of the book New From Here.
  6. 15. The name of the cruise ship in Japan where at least twenty-four Americans were infected with coronavirus
  7. 16. According to Knox, his brother Bowen was from this planet.
  1. 1. What is Christopher's mom's name? Mrs. _____
  2. 2. One of the games that can be played in the Tablet reward Corner
  3. 4. Knox's mom's friend. Auntie _____
  4. 5. One of Auntie Jackie's kids
  5. 6. How old was Knox's brother, Bowen?
  6. 8. Name of the neighbor with the security camera
  7. 9. One of the risks of the coronavirus
  8. 10. How many masks were left, including the one Bowen wore for two seconds?
  9. 14. Where were Knox and his family living before they moved to California?