New Missions

  1. 3. The movie The Mission was about the Jesuit missionaries to the Guaranis in ________
  2. 6. Which country went on for 200 years with Baptism without the presence of a priest?
  3. 8. He was a French missionary among the Huron and writes a catechism and a dictionary for future missionaries. He was captured by the Iroquois who poured boiling water over his head mocking baptism, put a red hot poker down his throat, and finally ate his heart because they wanted his bravery
  4. 9. Who's the Saint in the apparition took place in 1531?
  5. 10. He fought for the rights of the Native Americans especially under the Enconienda system in which the NAs were "violently forced" to pay tribute, to their landowners.
  6. 12. How are we to make disciples of all nations? `Baptism`
  7. 13. A Mohawk princess, who converted to Christianity through the work of French Jesuits. She was rejected by her tribe after her conversion. She was known for her loving kindness, acts of penance, deep prayer, mysticism. She became the first Native American saint
  8. 14. The apparition in 1531 eventually converted this whole nation
  9. 16. Which church in China is loyal only to the Pope?
  10. 19. Who was the Apostle missionary to India?
  11. 20. What apparition event took place in 1531?
  12. 21. A French Jesuit missionary in upstate New York. He was captured by the Iroquois Mohawks; his fingers and thumbs were eaten off. He went back to France but then returns to Quebec and was martyred
  13. 22. They practiced human sacrifices; Mary appeared to convert them
  14. 24. Franciscan missionary who served and organized the missions of California
  15. 26. 8 French Jesuits who were violently executed by the Iroquois between 1642 and 1649
  16. 28. Pope Alexander VI established the _________________ to settle the conflicts between Portugal and Spain over newly discovered territories.
  17. 29. There was not much missionary success in _____________ due to diseases, slave trades, jealous among pagan priest and persecutions until the 19th & 20th centuries.
  1. 1. Approach to evangelization which allows for a blending of Catholicism with some pagan beliefs/practices
  2. 2. Who is known as the Father of "international law"?
  3. 4. What and where is the first Catholic parish in the United States?
  4. 5. A Spanish knight who laid his sword at the feet of Mary to become a humble “soldier for Christ.” He became a priest and later founded of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits).
  5. 6. He was the first priest to be martyred in the Midwest, Kansas.
  6. 7. Who gave this commission to the Apostles and to us: "Go and make disciples of all nations"?
  7. 11. He was an Italian Jesuit priest missionary who opened China to evangelization by developing a liturgy and a treatise on the faith in Chinese; he’s controversial because of the method of accommodation for the Chinese
  8. 15. Following the wake of discovery and exploration, a relatively small number of holy missionaries felt the call to bring the Gospel to the new worlds; which of the 4 marks of the Church does this exhibit?
  9. 17. This law argued that all are free, all have the right to life, culture and property. In other words, under natural law, all rational beings should have their human rights.
  10. 18. Who’s the most famous Jesuit today?
  11. 23. Which church in China is loyal to the government?
  12. 25. Who is the co-founder of the Society of Jesus who served as a missionary in Asia?
  13. 27. The motto of the Jesuits, which means “for the greater glory of God”