New moon

  1. 1. What does Edward say to Bella at the end?
  2. 4. What color car does Alice drive to Europe?
  3. 5. What does Edwards family do for Bella to be a vampire?
  4. 8. Who found Bella in the woods after Edward left?
  5. 11. What did Bella get for her birthday?
  6. 16. where did Bella tell Jake she knew he was a wolf?
  7. 17. How long does Charlie say Bella is grounded for?
  8. 18. Gram and ___ were in Bella's dream in the begging
  9. 19. How old is Jake?
  1. 2. What did Bella first do when she wanted a adrenaline rush?
  2. 3. What movie did they watch?
  3. 4. Does Jake save Bella when she jumps?
  4. 6. Who helps Bella when she is about to get killed?
  5. 7. What time does Edward want to make a scene.
  6. 9. Who came back to see Bella after she thought she was dead?
  7. 10. Who goes after Bella when she cuts herself?
  8. 12. What color is Bella's hair?
  9. 13. How many guys are on throwns?
  10. 14. does Victoria get Bella when she sees her?
  11. 15. What color is Victoria´s hair?