New Nation

  1. 6. Commerce: Economic activity taking place between two or more states
  2. 10. Firmly favoring one party or faction
  3. 13. Something done or said that becomes an example for other to follow
  4. 14. The idea that states should have all the powers that the Constitution does not give to the federal government or forbid the states
  5. 15. An artificial waterway
  6. 16. Dealing with or relating to other countries
  7. 18. Seizing people against their will and forcing them to serve in the military or other public service
  8. 19. Activities aimed at weakening the established government by inciting resistance or rebellion to authority
  9. 20. An article of the U.S. Constitution that establishes the supremacy of the Constitution itself over any other law established within the country
  1. 1. Member or supporter of the Federalist party
  2. 2. A person living in a country that is not a citizen of the country
  3. 3. Dealing with or occurring inside a country
  4. 4. To withdraw or break away from a nation or organization
  5. 5. A term used in politics for someone who favors war or continuing to escalate an existing conflict as opposed to other solutions
  6. 7. The act of negotiating alliances, treaties, and agreements between nations
  7. 8. Member or supporter of the Democratic-Republican party
  8. 9. A court’s power or right to hear and decide cases
  9. 11. A strong sense of devotion to one’s country
  10. 12. A prohibition or blocking of trade with a certain country
  11. 17. A device that used electronic signals to send messages