New Nation

  1. 3. party founded 1854
  2. 6. treaty ended war of 1812
  3. 11. lead by example
  4. 12. battle-Brits died chasing Americans
  5. 13. president-war of 1812
  6. 15. earlier event-regarded as example
  7. 16. result of 1812
  8. 17. Key-wrote National _______
  9. 19. forced removal-Native Americans
  10. 21. 1st ten amendments
  11. 23. relating to government
  12. 24. General-Battle of New Orleans
  13. 25. British General killed-Baltimore
  14. 27. saved Washington's portrait
  1. 1. having to do with people
  2. 2. body temp 104*
  3. 4. direction-land navigation
  4. 5. shawnee warrior
  5. 7. crisis disagreement over tariffs
  6. 8. soldiers who ojt
  7. 9. party founded 1828
  8. 10. pertaining-use of income
  9. 14. independent US Pirates
  10. 18. sec-war resigned
  11. 20. tax on imports
  12. 22. doubled size US
  13. 26. fort @-Baltimore Harbor