New Republic

  1. 4. states could not interfere with congress
  2. 6. made during the war of 1812
  3. 9. 2nd president
  4. 13. caused because of jays treaty
  5. 14. followed religion more than they country
  6. 20. 7th President
  7. 23. Bought by Spain
  8. 24. land bought for 5 million
  9. 27. 1st president
  10. 28. Britain was interfering
  11. 29. refused to deliver a letter
  12. 30. 4th president
  13. 31. To prevent trading with foreign country
  14. 32. Told foreign country's to not interfere with the western hemisphere
  1. 1. They put a tax on whiskey
  2. 2. Outside of country
  3. 3. James Madison was their leader
  4. 5. 5th president
  5. 7. 3rd President
  6. 8. exploring the Louisiana purchase
  7. 10. neutral during France and Britain war
  8. 11. Hamilton made this to get ride of national debt
  9. 12. He wrote it at the end of his presidencies
  10. 15. made Missouri a slave state
  11. 16. inside of country
  12. 17. states cant tax congress
  13. 18. to make goods from Britain more expensive
  14. 19. an act of blocking
  15. 21. Andrew Jackson was their leader
  16. 22. to see if They are constitutional
  17. 25. people couldn't say what they wanted
  18. 26. An alien act