New Testament

  1. 2. Official teachings and practices that have been handed down from one generation to the next.
  2. 6. Religious faction who completely separated themselves from Jewish society and lived under strict religious observations.
  3. 10. The earliest written of the Four Gospels.
  4. 11. A words used to refer to the writers of the Four Gospels.
  5. 12. The promised figure that God would send to save his people; also means the Son of God.
  6. 15. The last of the books of the New Testament, sometimes called Apocalypse.
  7. 17. A solemn promise; a relationship.
  8. 19. The first of the patriarchs with whom God made a Covenant.
  9. 20. People sent by God to call out injustice and idolatry.
  10. 21. The last written of the Four Gospels.
  11. 22. The title given to Jesus that means Lord or Savior.
  12. 24. The cornerstone of the Law of Moses.
  13. 25. The great event in Israel's history when the Kingdom of Judah was destroyed and its people sent away to Babylon for about seventy years.
  14. 26. The Roman procurator of Judea, Samaria, and Idumea; he puts Jesus on trial.
  15. 27. The pivotal event of Christianity when Jesus returned to life after being dead for three days.
  1. 1. Religious faction who took a middle position between the Sadducees and Essenes, and were popular with the people.
  2. 3. Religious faction of priests who made accommodations with the new Jewish leaders.
  3. 4. Four short books in the New Testament about the life and death of Jesus.
  4. 5. Another word for Covenant.
  5. 7. Descendants of the Northern Kingdom of Israel that survived the Assyrian Exile; they had different religious practices than the Jews.
  6. 8. A word meaning "father" or "leader of a family".
  7. 9. The name given to the land of Israel and Judah by the Greeks.
  8. 13. A Roman writer and lawyer who mentions Christ in his writings.
  9. 14. A Jewish historian who mentions Jesus in his writings.
  10. 16. another word for letter.
  11. 18. Luke's depiction of the life of the early Church.
  12. 23. A book attributed to Paul but possibly not written by him.