New Testament

  1. 4. "Good news"
  2. 5. Who wrote Acts of the Apostles?
  3. 8. The living, teaching office of the Church whose task is to give authentic interpretation of the word of God, whether from Sacred Scripture or Sacred Tradition
  4. 10. First manifestation of Jesus to the world, when wise men came
  5. 12. "follower"
  6. 13. Mary agreed to become the Mother of Jesus
  7. 15. City where Jesus was born
  8. 19. A story meant to explain the Kingdom of God in symbolic terms
  9. 21. Northern region of Palestine where Jesus spent most of his life
  10. 22. All Scripture bears witness to the definitive Word who is...
  11. 23. The wedding feast of the lamb is found in the Book of...
  12. 27. Doubted that Jesus rose from the dead until he touched his wounds
  13. 28. Kyrios, Alpha and Omega, and Word made Flesh are all names for...
  14. 29. Jesus appeared to two disciples and explained how he fulfilled the Old Testament prophecies
  15. 30. This is where the Holy Family fled to avoid Herod
  16. 33. The same Holy Spirit who inspires the Bible guides its...
  17. 35. City where Jesus grew up "in wisdom and age and grace"
  18. 37. Foreshadows the death of Jesus
  19. 38. This miracle teaches us about the Mass
  20. 42. Where Jesus performed his first public miracle at a wedding
  21. 43. The Holy Spirit descended upon the apostles during...
  22. 44. Which book of the NT chiefly describes the beginnings of the Church?
  23. 45. Sacred agreement where both sides accept an obligation from each other
  24. 46. "Go and make disciples of all nations."
  25. 47. Convert who wrote 14 of the epistles
  26. 48. Jesus commanded him to "feed my sheep"
  27. 49. In reference to Jesus, gave the advice, "Do whatever he tells you"
  28. 50. The gift of the Holy Spirit to the Church whereby the pope and the bishops in union with him, cannot definitely proclaim a heretical or incorrect doctrine of faith or morals
  29. 59. Which two writers of the gospel were not apostles?
  30. 60. Jesus being transformed in from of three apostles and two OT prophets which foreshadowed his death and resurrection
  31. 63. Which gospel is not a synoptic Gospel?
  32. 65. "Love one another as I have loved you."
  33. 66. Matthew, Mark, Luke, John
  34. 67. After his Resurrection, Jesus first appeared to this person
  35. 68. Jesus will leave the 99 to look for us, the one that is lost
  36. 69. The first martyr
  37. 70. Jesus told his disciples that whoever is first must....
  38. 71. "Blessed are they...."
  39. 72. Simeon said to Mary, "a sword will pierce thy own soul
  1. 1. In John 3:15, the 15 stands for the...
  2. 2. The second coming of Jesus
  3. 3. Said "Lord I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof"
  4. 6. The name for the four Gospel writers
  5. 7. Elizabeth said to Mary, "Blessed is the fruit of thy womb."
  6. 9. Events or people from the Old Testament that prefigure events or people in the New Testament
  7. 11. The kingdom of God is worth sacrificing everything for
  8. 14. Major city where Jesus did much of his teaching. It is where he was presented in the temple, where the Last Supper took place, and where he was put on trial.
  9. 16. Those massacred in an attempt to kill the infant Jesus
  10. 17. Marked the beginning of the public ministry of Jesus
  11. 18. Teaches us about prayer
  12. 20. The source of salvation as offered by the Father, through the sacrifice of the Son, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit in the sacraments
  13. 24. Center region of Palestine
  14. 25. T or F: The Gospels were written several centuries after Jesus lived
  15. 26. You should not hide your gifts, share them
  16. 28. From the Cross Jesus gave his mother to him, to be the mother of us all
  17. 31. Place your gifts at the service of others captures the spirit of...
  18. 32. The working of the Holy Spirit, specifically in those men responsible for writing the New and Old Testament
  19. 34. Jesus resurrected him from the dead
  20. 36. The tax collector Jesus called down out of a tree and forgave his sin
  21. 39. Love the Lord your God with your whole heart, soul, mind, and strength and love your neighbor as yourself
  22. 40. Teaches us about mercy, or lack thereof
  23. 41. This is where the devil tempted Jesus
  24. 51. Teaches us about forgiveness
  25. 52. Prepared the way for Jesus by proclaiming repentance
  26. 53. Teaches about the growth of the Kingdom of God
  27. 54. Truth, Love, and Fullness of Mercy are qualities of God that are fully revealed in...
  28. 55. Replaced Judas as one of the apostles
  29. 56. John 6
  30. 57. Christ's work of redemption accomplished by His Passion, death, Resurrection, and glorious Ascension
  31. 58. This is a covenant with man, it reveals God's faithfulness to man, and is guided in interpretation by the same Spirit who inspired it
  32. 61. The attribute of the books of the Scripture whereby they faithfully and without error teach truth which God wished to have confided through Sacred Scripture
  33. 62. The Word of God may or may not fall on fertile soil
  34. 64. Southern region of Palestine