new world

  1. 2. Improved navigation; mapping
  2. 7. First permanent settlement in Virginia
  3. 8. Discovered the Pacific Ocean (after crossing Panama)
  4. 10. born in the New World to Spanish parents
  5. 11. Financed numerous expeditions along the West African coastline in hopes of finding gold
  6. 12. "the Terrible" defeated the Mongols and took over Muscovy
  7. 14. Explored northeast coast of North America
  8. 15. Rounded the southern tip of Africa & opened the eastern African shores to Portuguese traders in 1488
  9. 16. Small, lighter, and faster ships ideal for ocean travel
  10. 18. Powerful landlords of great estates; military service class
  11. 19. Built on Dias' route, completed an all water expedition to India in 1498
  12. 20. Conquered the Incan empire
  1. 1. Used to determine latitude by measuring altitude of celestial bodies
  2. 3. Believed a western track would be shorter than paths the Portuguese were taking;reached the Bahamas, believing he had reached the "Indies" somewhere west of India
  3. 4. Conquering entire regions and subjugating their populations; imperial colonial expansion
  4. 5. "New World" in Latin
  5. 6. Primary motives of the European Explorers
  6. 9. Explored Brazil; 1st European to realized he had discovered a new continent in the New World; America named after him
  7. 13. Continued Magellan's journey; returned to Spain three years later with a single ship & 18 survivors
  8. 17. Pointed to the magnetic north, making it easier to determine direction