New Year 2021

  1. 3. said while raising your glass
  2. 5. bang
  3. 7. a clock will tell you
  4. 9. 365 days
  5. 10. also a girls name
  6. 13. father time
  7. 14. a decision often broken
  8. 15. like sands through the....
  9. 16. paper piece at midnight
  1. 1. can be eaten or given
  2. 2. brand....
  3. 3. celebration bubbles
  4. 4. fun gathering
  5. 6. pretty firey sticks
  6. 8. 10 9 8 7 6 5 etc
  7. 11. stroke of
  8. 12. opposite of bad
  9. 17. before the last day