New Year

  1. 3. Another word for "moon"
  2. 5. Where do people in Germany leave food after midnight?
  3. 8. Name of the island that is the last place in the world to celebrate the new year.
  4. 10. Japanese do this when the new year begins.
  5. 11. Hane
  6. 12. Name of the island where New Year "strikes" first.
  7. 14. Rotte
  8. 15. Synonym for "a long life"
  9. 17. Drage
  1. 1. Pave
  2. 2. In which country do many people start the new year by swimming in cold water?
  3. 3. Important item in Chinese parades.
  4. 4. "Et nytårsforsæt" is in english "A New Year .....?
  5. 6. Having or showing behaviour that is respectful and considerate of other people
  6. 7. sladder
  7. 8. Får
  8. 9. A person who wants everything to be in order, to be correct.
  9. 13. Fabric used for dragons
  10. 16. What they eat in Spain for each stroke at midnight.