- 3. Another word for "moon"
- 5. Where do people in Germany leave food after midnight?
- 8. Name of the island that is the last place in the world to celebrate the new year.
- 10. Japanese do this when the new year begins.
- 11. Hane
- 12. Name of the island where New Year "strikes" first.
- 14. Rotte
- 15. Synonym for "a long life"
- 17. Drage
- 1. Pave
- 2. In which country do many people start the new year by swimming in cold water?
- 3. Important item in Chinese parades.
- 4. "Et nytårsforsæt" is in english "A New Year .....?
- 6. Having or showing behaviour that is respectful and considerate of other people
- 7. sladder
- 8. Får
- 9. A person who wants everything to be in order, to be correct.
- 13. Fabric used for dragons
- 16. What they eat in Spain for each stroke at midnight.