New Year New Johnson

  1. 5. Oldest dog's name
  2. 6. Bride's nickname
  3. 7. number of bridesmaids
  4. 8. Groom's occupation
  5. 13. Bride'soccupation
  6. 15. month he proposed
  7. 16. Where does their honeymoon cruise leave from?
  8. 18. where the bride went to college
  9. 19. Mal's wedding ring shape
  10. 20. How many years have they been official?
  11. 21. Mal's favorite alcoholic drink
  1. 1. where did he propose?
  2. 2. ring bearer
  3. 3. Couple's street name
  4. 4. their favorite restaurant
  5. 9. The middle pup
  6. 10. Grooms middle name
  7. 11. favorite NFL team
  8. 12. Jordan's favorite beer
  9. 14. Youngest dog's name
  10. 17. where the groom went to college